November 10, 2016

All Committee Review Heading link

External Education Subcommittee Heading link

  • No Proposals

Graduate and Professional Subcommittee Heading link

  • PR-17.11: Proposal to Revise the Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering (APPROVED)
  • PR-17.13: Proposal to Eliminate the Secondary Concentration in Hazardous Substances Management, Master of Science in Public Health (APPROVED)
  • INFORMATION: Proposal to Revise the Admission Requirements of the Master of Science in Bioengineering and Revise the Admission Requirements of the Joint Doctor of Medicine/Master of Science in Bioengineering.

Undergraduate Subcommittee Heading link

  • EP-13.01: Proposal to Revise the Repeat Policy for Standard Graded Courses, and Replace the Statement on Repeating a Course with Grade Point Average Recalculation with the Undergraduate Grade Point Average Recalculation Policy (Senate Revised) (APPROVED)
  • PR-17.09: Proposal to Revise the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Science, Major in History and Revise the Requirements for Graduating with Distinction in the Department of History (RESUBMISSION)  (APPROVED)
  • PR-17.12: Proposal to Establish the Minor in Entrepreneurship (APPROVED)
  • PR-17.14: Proposal to Revise the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management (APPROVED)
  • PR-17.15: Proposal to Revise the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Major in Germanic Studies; Revise the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Science, Major in Germanic Studies, German with a Business Minor Concentration; and Revise the Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of German (APPROVED)
  • USC OT-337: Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Acceptance of Transfer Credit for Undergraduate Admission Purpose (APPROVED)
  • General Education Requests – Cover Letter (APPROVED)
  • INFORMATION: Proposal to Establish 9 New Courses Under the Academic Skills Program (ASP) Subject to Support UIC International Students