February 6, 2014

External Education Subcommittee Heading link

  • CP-14.07: Proposal to Revise the Campus Certificate in Survey Research Methods (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)
  • CP-14.08: Proposal to Revise the Campus Certificate in Assistive Technology (APPROVED)
  • CP-14.09: Proposal to Revise the IBHE-Approved, Post-Master’s Certificate in Health Informatics (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)

Graduate and Professional Subcommittee Heading link

  • PR-14.29: Proposal to Establish the Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Sciences (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.30: Proposal to Establish the Master of Science in Business Analytics (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.31: Proposal to Establish a Concentration in Public Health Informatics within the online Master of Science in Public Health (Health and Policy Administration) (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.32: Proposal to Revise the Master of Science in Forensic Science (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.33: Proposal to Revise the Master of Science in Bioengineering and Revise the Master of Science in Bioinformatics (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.34: Proposal to Revise the Survey Methods Concentration, Master of Public Administration (MPA) (APPROVED)
  • INFORMATION: Proposal to Establish an Online Version of the Master of Science n Public Health (Health Policy and Administration)

Undergraduate Subcommittee Heading link

  • PR-14.35: Proposal to Revise the Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering (REVISED) (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.36: Proposal to Revise the bachelor of Arts in Art History and Revise the Minor in Art History (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.37: Proposal to Establish the Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)
  • General Education Requests – Cover Letter (APPROVED)