April 10, 2014

External Education Subcommittee Heading link

  • CP-14.10: Proposal to Establish a post-Baccalaureate Campus Certificate in Applied Startup Knowledge (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)
  • CP-14.11: Proposal to Establish a Post-Baccalaureate Campus Certificate in Technology Entrepreneurship (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)

Graduate and Professional Subcommittee Heading link

  • PR-14.46: Proposal to Revise the Concentration in Entrepreneurship within the Master of Business Administration (SCEP Revised) (APPROVED)
  • INFORMATION: Suspend Admissions to the Master of Arts in Real Estate
  • INFORMATION: Proposal to Suspend Admissions to the Master of Science in Disability and Human Development
  • INFORMATION: Proposal to Revise the Master of Science in Medical Biotechnology

Undergraduate Subcommittee Heading link

  • PR-14.47: Proposal to Revise the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Major in Germanic Studies with a Business Minor (Concentration II) (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.48: Proposal to Establish Four Concentrations within the Bachelor of Science in Management: Human Resources Management, Leadership and Managerial Skills, Strategic Management, and Managerial Logistics (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.49: Proposal to Establish Four Concentrations within the Bachelor of Science in Marketing: Marketing Research, Innovation and Product Management, Marketing Promotions and Communications, and Sales Leadership (APPROVED)
  • PR-14.50: Proposal to Revise the Minor in Law and Society (APPROVED)
  • General Education Requests – Cover Letter (APPROVED)
  • INFORMATION: Proposal to Eliminate the Minor in Urban Real Estate
  • INFORMATION: Proposal to Revise the Requirements for Admission to and Required Grade Point Average for the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Major in Communications (REVISED)